It rained today for the first time in fifty or so days (well it did when I first wrote this) It rained, really rained and I got really wet taking my daughter in to school. I realized when I was almost back at the car I was missing a great opportunity. For days we had been complaining/commenting/moaning about the heat, and now it was brisk and wet and we were seeing it as an inconvenience to getting the kids to school.
So I stopped, put the brolly down and did a little dance near my car with my baby. Later when I was home I went outside and danced and spun and laughed in that rain and if felt so good.
It’s been a long time since I’ve done that. I have to admit when I first went outside I thought people would think I was weird, but then so what, besides those who know me best think I’m weird anyway and I like it that way.
Sometimes I think we just need to forget what others may think and just do something a little silly and a lot fun to remind ourselves that we shouldn’t take life too seriously, after all it’s a much better experience if you actually enjoy it.
So the next time it rains why don’t you risk a few sideways glances, step into the droplets and spin around. And for good measure sing aloud (if you’re me that means not necessarily in key) – ‘I’m singin and dancing in the rain.’
Feel the rain on your face and your tongue. Feel the bite of the breeze as it cools you down. Let go of everything but the sensation of the moment and allow yourself to feel joy like you did perhaps as a child. Maybe you could even jump in a few puddles just for a laugh. As you do so allow the stress that’s been building up or the depressions that’s been pulling you down, to let go of you as you let go of it.
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