Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What A Wake Up

Today has been strange.
I found out today something I thought was going good in my life may not be quite what I thought. This thing was something I believed God wanted me to do and something that would change things for us for the better. That's not the strange thing though. This morning when I started my morning prayer time, something I do before getting out of my comfortable bed, God spoke to me.
Now I realise for some reading this, that may seem off the wall to say the least, but it's not the first time He has and I'm sure it won't be the last. This morning though He said I want you to read Romans 8:28. I'm thinking really, why? I know what it says, i read it last night. I was told again to read it.
While I'm not the best at reading my bible regularly or even recently going to church, I do try to be obedient when God speaks, which some means some people really don't understand some of the decisions I've made.
So I read it.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Rms 8:28)

At the time it didn't mean anything specific, it is a familiar verse and I thought God just wanted me to refresh it. Hours later after a few hours worrying about what I found out, my husband told me it wasn't as bad as I thought and God had lead me to that point.


Even then it took me a bit of repeating the verse for it to really sink in. It doesn't matter what the situation looks like on the surface, God sees the bigger picture and He is always behind the scenes working things out, even though to us it may not look like it at the time.

In so many things in life we can get complacent, and while I wouldn't say my faith was complacent will say that my understanding of that verse had become form - something I knew and could quote, but not something I was truly holding onto - and when life has you clinging on by the finger tips, as I seem to have been doing, that can be a very bad thing.

Surely in this case the proof is there clearly to see. I had no idea what today would bring, but God did, and He knew if He didn't let me know He had his hand on the situation I could very well fall apart.

Thankyou God for having your hand on me even when I'm sleeping, and your eyes on the path in front of me for those times it gets a bit rough.

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