I hate job hunting. Mostly I think because nothing ever seems quite right. One of the jobs I thought about applying for prompted my hubby to say ‘but you’d hate that.’ I couldn’t disagree, I could only say ‘but I’d hate to go back to cleaning more’.
Even a job working at a place that does DVD sales and rentals as well as music and books, has its down side, its opening hours are 10am to 11pm or midnight. If I was single or just childless the hours wouldn’t bother me at all. That’s not the case though, and I can’t afford to be too picky.
It would be great if someone would pay my hubby to stay in his studio and finish his album, he’s already got buyers and it’s not close to being finished. The other alternative is someone could pay me to write, then at least I’d have a good reason to stay off facebook and mafia wars.
I’ve motivated myself through writing two novels, two full length plays, two feature scripts as well as a bunch of one acts and short films, but sometimes it’s easier to let depression take hold and just stare at the computer screen, playing games and being remarkably unproductive.
So until a wealthy benefactor throws some funding our way, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Post office job here I come….Does anyone know a wealthy benefactor?
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