Sunday, November 1, 2009

Freedom of Religion

Pictures of a recent peace rally in the UK have been circulating on-line. Now I’m not about to forward the e-mail to everyone on my contact list because I’m not convinced it would do much except cause greater separation between certain people groups. So if I feel that way why do I want to address it in this format? Because a picture may be worth a thousand words but it can also be open to wide interpretation.

I find it incredibly sad that people feel the need to express themselves so negatively (i.e. death to…). How sad to have to say conform to my faith or you should/will die. I’m not naïve enough to say this from some holy hallowed ground because my faith has periods of that in it’s history.

I’m thankful I live in a time and place where I am free to choose how and what I worship, because quite frankly I wouldn’t make a very good fundamentalist Muslim. I don’t even make a good fundamentalist Christian. I am way too opinionated.

I have come to a period in my life where I say I am a Christian. I believe in God but I’m not about to get into a slanging match with you about if He is real. I can’t prove God to you. God isn’t quantitative for me he is experiential. I don’t think God needs me to make excuses for Him.

I am simply glad I don’t feel the need to spew violence and hatred on people who don’t share my faith, the way these people at the rally did. What is also very sad is that people like these get accepted as the totality of that faith, when that is simply not so.

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