Here’s one that may prove I’m turning into a grumpy old woman.
I am so totally over the ungratefulness of some many, I’d say kids but are early 20’s technically kids? So anyway it’s not just one situation that has set me off but a whole heap. Kids living at home so long and expecting their parents to pick up the tab and pick up after them; others thinking it doesn’t matter if they get a job because there is always welfare; others hanging out in gangs taking what others have worked hard for.
I suppose there were several things that set me off.
Firstly the young man who worked hard and did a lot of charity work who then gets his head kicked in by a group of guys who wanted to rob his house…he may never function the same again. Then there was this guy who turned up to work looking like he was going to the beach, hung over the counter and asked if we were looking for staff…needless to say he got told even if we were he’d not be considered his; attitude, dress and lack of cv to say the least were unacceptable. His reply was well I was looking for somewhere fun to work and he pouted like my 6 year old. Finally there was this person about to turn 21 who put together a 6 page list for gift registry at Myer or someplace similar. Now excuse me but how frigging rude. I did of course ask if the girl and her family were loaded but apparently not.
What happened to being grateful for the gifts that people can afford? What happened to working for the stuff you want? Then there is the guy who said he had bills to pay so why should he have to pay for his entertainment? I’m not middle aged yet but if this is any indication then I seem to be well on my way to becoming a grumpy old woman so in conclusion – Harden Up Princess! You want stuff you work for it. I got my first job when I was like 10. And before you start pointing the finger at me I will say we get tax benefits because we earn below the low income tax threshold but at least we both do what we can, and we live within our means.
Just so you know sunshine, the world does not owe you! Grow Up!