So here I am more than ready for a total rant. It’s no secret that I work in a bookstore, I write and I’d love to make my money as a writer. It is also no secret that I act and would love to make money that way too. I am a creative person and I have embraced that, for all the crap you have to put up with in being one. I have come to accept the highs and the lows, I don’t particularly like them but I accept them. I know I need to have thick skin, I’ve received many rejections in my pursuits and truthfully if I could give up I might but they are my passion and what drives me is the need to create. I need to make characters come alive, I need to imagine and dream.
So to my rant. Something happened the other day that pissed me off so much. I am not into illegally downloading anything, my friends know that for me it is a case of not stealing from the place I wish to earn from. Now I know e-readers are coming, the fact I like books means nothing, but someone said the thing with e-readers is that you can down load everything for free. Technically not accurate, you probably can download heaps but not all of it legally. I’m happy for musicians who manage to get a bigger cut of the money rather than the record labels and similar results but illegally downloading doesn’t do that.
Now we are getting closer to the point that got me fired up in the first place. One of the kids at work said why should he pay for downloads because he has bills to pay. It was about this point I started to swear. For crying out frigging loud. How naïve are people like this? You think that creative types don’t have bills to pay, families to look after and to put food on the table for their kids? You selfish creative black holes, sitting out there on your lazy selfish arses, saying feed me my entertainment I deserve it.
No you don’t, it’s a luxury. It is something someone created for you to fill in you time but for them it was work, surely they deserve to get paid for their effort. And just in case you are totally naïve many, many, many writers, musicians, actors and artists struggle to make it. For every multimillion dollar actor in a film or show there can be hundreds or thousands who rock up, work, go home and get paid bugger all and have no guarantee of work the next week. For every Rowling or Meyer are loads who would be thankful to get a publisher look at their work.
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