Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Question

So it's another saturday night and I've been watching Tim Minchin. I think he is a very clever man. Thing is though he is quite clearly an atheist and has been very vocal in his opinion about christians. So this brings me to a question - is it wrong that I enjoy listening to/watching Tim Minchin's performances?'
Without a question I know there will be those who don't approve.
I also find him thought provoking.
I think listening to people like this really is thought provoking. Comedians either connect with you or they don't. However they are in many ways a good mirror for society. They let you know what many people are thinking or feeling.
His songs like Context are funny and so much more. Whether he actually wants to provoke thought or just entertain I don't know, and to be honest I don't much care.
The bible says for Christians to be the light of the world but sometimes we should take a step back maybe and see what sort of light it is we are shining on the world.
Oh I am fully aware that I am not what many people would consider to be a good christian, in fact luke warm is a phrase that springs to mind. The thing is I do believe in God, I don't think he is a 2011 year old zombie, I believe some things simply transcend our understanding. My problems lie more with the things people have done and continue to do in the name of religion.
Actually this, strangely brings to mind a scene from a popular children's book...
'Dad,' I said. 'When I was in the maze, I met  Antaeus. He said...well, he said he was your favourite son. He decorated his arena with skulls and '
'He dedicated them to me.' Poseidon supplied. 'And you are wondering how someone could do something so horrible in my name.'
I nodded uncomfortably.
Poseidon put his weathered hand on my shoulder. 'Percy, lesser beings do many horrible things in the name of the gods. That does not mean we approve. The way our sons and daughters act in our names...well, it usually says more about them than it does about us...'
From Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth - Rick Riordan
Which illustrates the point I am trying to make perfectly. How much of what christians have done and continue to do really is a better reflection of who they are and what they are afraid of, than what God really intended?
It is easy to see I struggle with my faith, not so much the inward manifestation of it rather the outward manifestation. I believe there is a God, I believe Christ came, died and rose again. I believe there are angels and demons and I believe people have done more damage in the name of their god (whomever they believe that to be) than pretty much anything else.
I don't preach and yes I often get embarrassed when I see people doing so on the street. I will talk about my faith, I will tell you why I believe and it is more than just because of my mother's influence. I believe because I have experienced. Yes I was perhaps more open to the experience than others might be. I have felt the peaceful presence in an emotional storm. I have felt the utter certainty that things will happen and it will be more than it seems on the surface.
I understand the confusion though and why people struggle to believe. When there are wars, and criminals doing so many stupid & violent things, when there is disease and homelessness, sex crimes and slavery. It is so easy to see why people question, yet many people of my faith seem not to understand. They instead get on a soap box and say that certain things are wrong and the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Well duh!
That in fact is the problem with free will. We are free to choose and not everyone will chose for someone other than themselves.
The problem with faith isn't really the faith it is the people involved who corrupt faith and therefore how it appears to others.
One thing I do know though is that the God I know has one heck of a sense of humour. If he didn't he wouldn't have used the calendar I posed naked for (to raise money for research ovarian cancer) to get a friend who hasn't spoken to me in ages, who cut me out of her life for some reason, to message me. I kid you not and I think that is funny even if you don't.
So Tim Minchin makes me think and makes me laugh. He's talking about guilty pleasures at the moment and I guess in some way that is really appropriate.

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