Just as a very brief follow up to last weeks post, this week I got another email from the army informing me of more jobs I might be interested in. Obviously the left hand and right hand don't converse.
So moving on...
Work has proved very interesting this week. We have recently had a few thefts, now no-one likes to think they are working with a thief and it seemed most others were happy to believe someone from outside made it up stairs into the staff room and had time to go through different lockers on different occasions, without getting caught (keep in mind that we go in and out of there all the time). Moving on the new staff member has been fired, put two and two together. This is a slight problem for me only because I need to have some of monday off for a job interview and I can't get someone to cover my shift. I can breath a small sigh of relief because before this all happened I had gotten approval to take an extended lunch to cover my interview. Then I rock up to work on friday and another person is trying to find someone to cover their shift. I told them that wasn't going to happen and asked why and was told they hadn't realised they were working and had made a drs appt and were supposed to catch up with their friends. Ummm okay but if they didn't read their roster properly isn't that their stuff up? Is not the onus then on them to reschedule their stuff? Apparently not as far as they are concerned. So when the manager gets back on monday we may be severely understaffed and I will be making things much harder for the people I work with and that I feel bad for, do others simply not have this work ethic? The more I see in retail the more I think a good work ethic is becoming a rarer thing. Getting out will be a good thing methinks.
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