Saturday, November 17, 2012

One Week Left

I have 4 days of course work left.
I cannot say that enough.
Scenario days were tough for me, I over think things. I don't think scenarios are ever the same as real life, of course it doesn't help that the actors don't really know what the people they are pretending to be are like, that makes it hard for them. They can go on only what they know and how they are told to be.
But no point in dwelling on it, I am done with them and this time next week I will have finished my first actual work shift.
The thing about starting a new job is the nerves. Sure I have spent 3 months in training for this new job but still there are things I don't know. I've had so much stuff crammed into my brain that I'm not at all sure I will remember any of it.
Hopefully I will remember enough.
Anyway I am nearly done. Four days, four assessments and one speech is about all I have left. Then life can start.
I am so looking forward to working two days having two off. Working three days having three days off. I already have my christmas roster and much to my delight it looks as though I won't be working christmas. I have three days off to spend with my family.
It yet remains to be seen how I adjust to my new job and new schedule but for now while I'm a bit nervous I am also very excited. I only hope I can do the job justice.

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