Saturday, December 18, 2010

It's That Time Of Year Again

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I last wrote. It is the silly or festive season, depending on your perspective. For me it's a bit of both. Work is busy, I'm trying to fit in writing, exercise, Christmas prep and time with friends. There are times I wish I could just check out for a few hours, and I seem to have been doing that by gaming.
Any way I have done all my gift shopping, hubby still has one to pick up, the girls are sorted and arrangements have been made to change the usual family deal to our place. It's going to be strange this year as my baby bro has just moved to NZ for a year. I do mean just, he flew out on Monday.
So I will keep this short and sweet, maybe I will blog between now and the new year but maybe not so I'll give you my blessings for this Christmas season and the new year now. Take care and stay safe.

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