Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It's been busy and to be honest quiet stressful recently. Work issues, money issues, dream issues. You know how it goes, sometimes you just want things to go the way you want and then life happens. The other night though I found my destressor, rehearsals started. It's amazing for some the thought of getting up on a stage would be stress inducing but for me it has the opposite effect, quite simply performing and rehearsing is a cathartic process. I love it and I'm so glad to be doing it again. Now all I need to figure out is how to fit in my other passion - writing. you'll know when I manage that because I'll be updating this far more often.
To all of you out there I hope you are able to find something to help you de-stress.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Curve Balls

Life just happens, though it might be more apt to insert another four letter word at the start of that sentence. We got booted out of our old place, found a new one for quite a bit more money but that meant we couldn't save for a house of our own. We accepted that this was the right choice for us now and looked forward to living in a nice house and having enough money to finally pursue a little more actively our passions. That is to say we were planning to use our holidays filming and stuff.
Now we get another curve ball or two. My job was supposed to be expanded by now, but the second store hasn't opened yet. No stress really coz we're still both working, guess again, yesterday my hubby was fired because he's not a high pressure sales person. He doesn't believe in the hard sell to get people to buy what they really don't want, unfortanately this recession, or whatever it is we're in, means the company he works for used this to justify interveiwing someone else for his job before he knew he was out of a job. So much for company loyalty.
I shouldn't really complain because he's not the only one to lose his job because of the bottom line, he's bringing in money but it's not as much as before the recession so he's got to go. Not sure that's really his fault though. But then I am biased.
Here's the next thing, I just got my tax benefit and this has placed us in a frustrating position. Do we use this money as our safety net and wittle it away until he can get another job, or do we do what we originally planned and update our computers so we can pursue the filming, editing, etc things we want to?
When you believe you're doing what God wants and then the bottom falls out of it what are you supposed to think? That we must have been wrong? Or that this is how God plans to show his hand in using that which makes no sense to us mere humans? We've made our decision, what would you decide?