Friday, December 31, 2010

One Year Ends

It's that time of year when we inevitably think about that which has been and that which we hope for in the coming year.
The one just gone has had highs and lows, a lot of people I know say they had a crap year but I wonder if they are forgetting to look at the bits in between. It's easy to focus on the highly emotional moments be they good or bad, though often the good gets second place. It is also easy to over look the stuff that holds the year together, the slog of the days, the small moments of joy that can be found in a good coffee, a meal with a friend, a night out without the kids.
There was much goodness in 2010 and I certainly hope there will be more in 2011. I have plans and hopes and no matter how many times I've felt hard done by or just plain crap at how life's treating me I know I am loved, that balances a lot of the crap out.
Love is something we very easily seem to take for granted so I am going to take a moment to say 'I love my girls and my hubby', even though there are times they bug me to distraction. I know I'm not always the easiest to get along with but my girls randomly throwing their arms around me or even plonking themselves down on my chair and saying simply 'I love you mum', is a joy I should never take for granted.
To the man in my life who puts up with me and balances me out - you make it worth it. I love you.
To those of you who just feel crap as many do when they look back, I would suggest you look between the lines and failing that stop looking back altogether. Yes we can learn from the past but dwelling in it isn't a good thing. If a new year is good for nothing else it is a great opportunity for us all to say goodbye to that which was and open ourselves to the possibilities the future holds. So I wish you all a blessed and prosperous new year, one filled with dreams and joy.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

It's That Time Of Year Again

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I last wrote. It is the silly or festive season, depending on your perspective. For me it's a bit of both. Work is busy, I'm trying to fit in writing, exercise, Christmas prep and time with friends. There are times I wish I could just check out for a few hours, and I seem to have been doing that by gaming.
Any way I have done all my gift shopping, hubby still has one to pick up, the girls are sorted and arrangements have been made to change the usual family deal to our place. It's going to be strange this year as my baby bro has just moved to NZ for a year. I do mean just, he flew out on Monday.
So I will keep this short and sweet, maybe I will blog between now and the new year but maybe not so I'll give you my blessings for this Christmas season and the new year now. Take care and stay safe.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Less Religion

I'm reading 'More Jesus, Less Religion' (Arterburn & Felton). I know it's been a long time since I've picked up a book dealing with christianity. I'm really liking it though. There is a lot that say that in my mind I find myself going, well at least someone out there sees things like I do.
For me religion has become so structured and organised. If you don't fit in to the box labeled christian it seems sometimes that the church just doesn't know what to do with you.
I was at a service last week and they were talking about their vision for the youth and kids. While they were talking I was thinking that maybe I could get involved with some sort of youth programme, after all it is one of the issues I feel strongly about. Thing is from past experience I'm not sure how well I fit into these sort of programmes. I'm more a sort of come in for a one off thing. I guess that's why I sort of hope the YA novel I'm working on will get publication, because that would open the door to speaking engagements. It's not the speaking itself that drives me but the fact I could openly talk about some things I know others avoid.
I don't know, I'm going to leave this in God's hands, it's not something I plan on pursuing actively in itself.
Speaking in front of others doesn't scare me so much. Talking about my past and the rough things I've experienced doesn't even particularly bother me. Being treated as a joke does but that's a fear a lot of us share. Truthfully I don't want to limit myself to a church environment.
There is still a long way to go with the novel though and I really must make sure I don't get ahead of myself.