Saturday, March 26, 2011

Holiday Week

Sure I tell myself it's a holiday but I can't really say I've had any time off. Especially not with children at home and so much going on otherwise. My new website is keeping me busy and I've started a twitter account, I'm finding it quite addictive. It's also proving to be quite informative. I think I'm finally getting a handle on how to manage social media. My kids book site has had over 200 hits in two weeks and I'm really happy with that. I've added other sections, like news and classics I just need to get around to writing some recommends lists.
Like I said keeping me busy.
We were planning on spending a couple of nights on an island but ditched that idea when it turned out it was going to cost us more to go across for two days than it would to go down south. We have settled probably for a day trip on a day we can get a discount.
Then there is other stuff going on with hubby an his band. Too much stuff really.
And if all this wasn't enough I have submitted one entry for a writing comp and am about to submit another. Then I had to say no to a friend. The thing she wanted was huge and I really just need some time to myself. It's hard, I feel bad for saying no but I really had to.
I've been busy but this week has felt so good. So busy with my head in books or a pen in my hand. I have one more week off and to be honest I really wish this could be my life. Writing, reading, blogging, trying to inspire people and kids to read.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chaos and Madness

This week has been a really busy one for me, I started my own kids book website
This has kept me incredibly busy as I wanted to update it quite a lot in its first few weeks so it doesn't look too sparse.
Work has been interesting, finally we started to get new stock in which is a good thing, though I heard today through a source in council that the store will stay but it will get smaller. I don't really know what's going on but as I saw official looking guys discussing things about the site yesterday (they appeared to be in store secretly) it does ring possible.
I'm feeling a little shaky on a couple of footings at the moment. One the website, I want it to achieve a couple of things and not just be a colossal waste of time. Two hubby's band, it looks like it could go places but one of the guys is looking like he could stuff it up. It bothers me because my hubby has put a lot into it, and he's not the only one. I hope it sorts itself out. I pray and hope it sorts itself out. I try not to think too much on it but you know how it is when you try not to think of something.
Anyway my faith is still a bit wobbly. I am trying; to talk to God and to believe. I want to believe that my dreams can come true. I want to believe that what is in my heart is there for a reason. And with all that is going on in the world at the moment I have to remind myself that really my concerns aren't all that big a deal.
God please be with those in Japan, those in Christchurch and me. Help me to hold on to what I know is true and that is that you love me, you created me and you have a purpose for me, even though I feel like I'm treading water in the middle of the ocean.

On a side note I am on two weeks holiday so I may not be here for the next two saturdays I will have to see how it goes. But I will be back.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fallout From The Perth Writer's Festival

So last week I was really hoping for...well I'm not sure but I sure as heck didn't expect to be the most depressed I have been in along time. Here is what I wrote last Saturday.
My mind is mush. I am feeling so totally out of my depth. I thought I'd feel comfortable here with people who share my passions but instead I can't remember the last time I felt so uncertain. Right now all I want to do is lock myself in a room and go back into myself.
I wonder if it's because on some level I don't like to give of myself, to risk. I don't want to be laughed at or pitied. I am kind of waiting for someone to pat me on the head and say 'it really is time for you to give up on your dreams, can't you see that it is time for you to grow up and join the real world'.
And I feel sad because I haven't doubted myself like this in a long time.
I'm beginning to think this weekend is designed to make me feel like an outcast. I get to my seat for 'The Feast Of Words' and I'm at the far end, with no menu, no butter knife, no place setting gift and an empty space across from me. Is there any better way to make me feel as solitary as possible through the evening. Only one person next to me and on diagonally opposite. Probably not going to speak to anyone all evening, at least I can reach the wine bottle without moving.
Then when I said I'd taken the menu from the setting of the woman who sat next to me, she got really pissy.
That is all from saturday. I will add though that the woman diagonally across was a real joy to share a meal with. It didn't turn out to be too bad an evening, though I still felt depressed. And unfortunately still do a bit.