Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year

Okay it's the second day of the new year. Wow where have the last 10 years gone? So anyway resolutions always seem like a good idea but I'm not sure they bind you to anything much. Despite that there are a few things I'd like to do this year. One is go on a proper holiday with my family. I'd also like to get published and exercise my actor but those two goals never change, I will as always continue to slog away at them. After so long I sometimes wonder why I haven't given up, there should be only so much rejection one can take. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment. They are two things in my life I can't not do. I didn't act for three years and it was so hard but at least I had my writing. I could in no way give up both. Of course I want to get paid to do those things but even without pay I am driven to do them, so I continue to do what I can while also working to pay the bills. Good thing I love my job.
Anyway I have some more serious topics to look at shortly but for now I want to say thank you for sharing this journey with me and I wish for you the blessings of peace and joy and the hope of dream fulfillment for the coming year.
May God bless you

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