Saturday, December 19, 2009

What To Blog?

Okay play is finished and hubby is gigging. Book is also finished and I said I wouldn't go to bed before blogging...Guess we all need to set ourselves goals that are attainable.
So I'm still thinking about the book blog, it'd be kids and YA stuff coz that's my work thing. I've even managed to find a bit of time to write some more for both stories I'm working on and that's a good thing.
The other good thing is I've just about done my Christmas shopping, it's not finished because finding enough time to do it when the girls aren't around isn't easy. Oh and the spa is working properly again...yay!
Other things have been happening that have got my brain turning over. Friends and work and interpersonal skills that people have or don't. As well as relationships and ultimatums. So there is plenty of stuff to write about the thing at the moment is putting a book, any book, down for long enough to actually write it down. I wonder sometimes if I have so much going on that the creative side of me gets all mixed up. A while ago it was like I had ideas dripping out of my brain, I couldn't contain them all. Now I have work to do the ideas sometimes float by but I can't grasp them to consider them because I'm supposed to be working. Also I at least have the theatre to channel my creative juices. I think overall it's a good thing because I can be a little more focussed than working on 10 ideas at once. Then again how many ideas just end up floating away from me because I have bills to pay and work to take care of?
Well enough introspection for one night. I'm hoping that once the new year starts I will be able to refocus myself. What a many people think that do you wonder.
At least though I hit my goal and blogged before going to bed.
Good night all.

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