Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Little Bit

I will only get a brief update type of snippet in tonight as I'm feeling a bit down and lethargic. That really describes my whole week. There have been some ups but mostly not. It feels as though that's a usual state of mind when in laws visit. Sad I know, but I can't shake the feeling I will never match up to what they wish I was. And not just me. It is hard sometimes to hold on to your dream when those closest to you don't support you. Fortunately friends are our saving grace they support us. So in times like this I focus on remembering that while you can't pick your family you can pick your friends and I thank those who are there to help me up when all I feel like doing is sitting in a dark corner and moping.
Remember you may never know what encouraging words can mean to someone so don't be shy of uttering a few occasionally.

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