Monday, June 1, 2009


I wanted to do this during the week when it would’ve been a hot topic but my internet was out, what are you going to do? Anyway the Chaser boys were back in the news this week. (If you don’t know who I mean google 'The Chasers War on Everything'). Well I find them funny, sometimes gross and sometimes stupid.

They got themselves in more hot water, no surprise really, this time from some people in the women’s movement. So what did they do that was so bad? They threw an effigy of our Governor General over the wall of The Melbourne Club.

Let’s back up a few steps. The Melbourne Club is a gentleman’s club – no women allowed. The Australian GG is always an honorary member. Our current GG is a woman.

So the Chaser boys set out to see if they could get her in. Well an effigy of her at least. Needless to say they weren’t successful. The only way they could do it was to throw her (the mannequin) over the wall. Piss funny I thought.

Then of course a women’s group got up on it’s high horse and said it was a horrible way for a woman to be treated (they were talking about the dummy not exclusion from the club). Oh give over and get down from that horse before you fall.

It was far more a comment about The Melbourne Club than saying it’s fine to throw a woman over a wall. Seriously.

The thing is I don’t actually see anything wrong with The Melbourne Club. Now before you get on another high horse hear me out. Guys should be allowed to have a space to be free from women and women should be allowed to have a place free from men. This isn’t a sexist issue, or a relationship issue, it’s about freedom and space to just be. There are times I actually like to have no guys around, and if I do then I can pretty much guarantee other women feel the same way because I’m not a particularly girly girl. If we like that why can’t men? If you really have a problem start your own club.

Of course it seems nature is, when someone says someone can’t, these days someone will always want to say that it’s an ‘ist’ of some kind and therefore wrong.

PS. I heard (though not personally verified)that the GG actually asked for a copy of the skit, so she can’t be too upset. 

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