Thursday, May 14, 2009

Daylight Saving

Daylight saving, what a crock! So many, many debates we’ve had especially over the last three ‘trial’ years we’ve had.

Do I like it? NO! My kids don’t like going to sleep because it’s so light and I’m sure all those advertising campaigns telling them that daylight saving means more family time in the evening haven’t helped. ‘Why aren’t my mum and dad interested in playing Frisbee with me at 8 pm at night, it’s daylight saving isn’t that what they are supposed to be doing.

We live in a great time zone right on the west coast so we get the setting sun – unhidden by mountains like some on the east coast. We work with Asia as well as the east coast, so why do we have to take ourselves out of the Asian time zone and make us different to every one else. The simple fact is daylight saving doesn’t make us the same as the east coast, there are still two hours different. Isn’t this more a matter or organisation, not family time or daylight hours (which doesn’t change).

I have voted no. To all those who claim that it’s families that benefit most I have just his to say (as I heard it from another mother):  Say tonight is the night we change the clocks over, so tonight hubby gets home at 6 and the kids go to bed at 7.30pm, tomorrow the hubby gets home at 6 and the kids go to bed at 7.30pm, where the hell is the extra time you all keep talking about?

Seriously family time isn’t reliant on the amount of sunlight in the evening. Not all of us want to rev our kids up by running around just before bedtime. Please there are plenty of ways to bond, just use your brain, don’t wait for others to tell you what, why and how you need to spend your time with your family.

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