Stop And Take A Moment
Stop and take a moment
To smell the flowers scent
To feel the warming touch
Of the sun upon your skin
The sweet caressing gentle breeze
That whispers past your face
Stop and take a moment
Away from life’s rat race
Stop and take a moment
To smile at someone new
Take that outstretched hand
Hold the door for one or two
Don’t fall into the trap
That things you have make up your wealth
Stop and take a moment
Away from thoughts of self
Stop and take a moment
To listen to a child
Or take them to a park
And play with them a while
When you see someone who’s struggling
Don’t turn and run away
Stop and take a moment
To help someone today
Stop and take a moment
To think a few things through
Are you living how you’d hoped to be
Or is life just a list of stuff to do?
Are your priorities sorted out?
Or do they really stink.
Stop and take a moment
I mean really stop and think
Stop and take a moment
To smell the flowers scent
To feel the warming touch
Of the sun upon your skin
The sweet caressing gentle breeze
That whispers past your face
Stop and take a moment
Away from life’s rat race
Stop and take a moment
To smile at someone new
Take that outstretched hand
Hold the door for one or two
Don’t fall into the trap
That things you have make up your wealth
Stop and take a moment
Away from thoughts of self
Stop and take a moment
To listen to a child
Or take them to a park
And play with them a while
When you see someone who’s struggling
Don’t turn and run away
Stop and take a moment
To help someone today
Stop and take a moment
To think a few things through
Are you living how you’d hoped to be
Or is life just a list of stuff to do?
Are your priorities sorted out?
Or do they really stink.
Stop and take a moment
I mean really stop and think
A Reflection Of You
You speak to me in sunrise
and in the sunset too
And in the cold, brisk morning
When the grass is wet with dew
I feel your gentle touch
in the breeze upon my face
And in the friendly warmth
Of the sun’s spring embrace
You whisper in the lapping
of the river on the bank
And echo in a child’s laugh
In summer at the lake
As I look around me
I see the touch of you
Help my life be in someway
A reflection of you
You speak to me in sunrise
and in the sunset too
And in the cold, brisk morning
When the grass is wet with dew
I feel your gentle touch
in the breeze upon my face
And in the friendly warmth
Of the sun’s spring embrace
You whisper in the lapping
of the river on the bank
And echo in a child’s laugh
In summer at the lake
As I look around me
I see the touch of you
Help my life be in someway
A reflection of you

True Value
It’s easy to get caught up
In materialistic life
It’s only when we do not have
We think we are in strife
The saddest thing to contemplate
Is how true we think that is
If we only took the time to see
Where our treasure truly is
We no longer seem to value
Things like friends and family
The cynic in me wonders
If that’s because they’re free
They don’t come attached to price tags
Or with instruction books
And we think that we can ditch them
When they no longer match our look
We discard as now outdated
Contentment, joy and peace
And think we only can be happy
When our lives contain some stress
So we go to work, to work
And because we’ve bills to pay
Forgetting how to enjoy life
As we live it day to day
So maybe it is time
To re-evaluate our lives
To look below the surface
Past the multitude of lies
Find out what makes us happy
What matters to us most
Then pursue those things with passion
And find our lost hope
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