Monday, June 23, 2008

Five Dollars

Three youths (18-20) stole five dollars from a six year old girl and when her dad stepped in to protect her and get her money back they beat him up.
This is an actual event and believe me if you were in my house on Friday you would know all about it. My hubby surfed channels till he found the story on the news, then had to tell me to stop shouting at him. He’s not the problem, he was just there, and believe me if he knew who they were…maybe I should leave that unsaid. I’m not 100% sure the Bible says anything specifically about pounding on thieving, selfish, cowards but I know there are things that probably relate, so it’s best to say I’m not feeling particularly ‘turn the other cheek and leave it God’ish.
The five dollars was five one dollar coins this girl had taped to a letter for Santa, I don’t know why, and I don’t care that Christmas is still…well too far in the future for me to be thinking about. I care that it happened at all. I am angry and appalled and if I thought it would make a difference I’d get on my roof and shout my displeasure. I could make myself heard make no mistake, I have a theatrical background and I know how to project. But I have children and I don’t want them in the firing line just because I’m worked up about something.
What the heck is wrong with society? Five dollars! What satisfaction could possibly be achieved from stealing from a child? I am in full fledged rant and I’m not about to try and be PC or polite about this. I don’t give a damn about any reason or excuse you could offer up in their defense. There is not a thing that justifies such an action. The poor girl watched her daddy get beaten up and when they went home she hid in her wardrobe, she was that scared. What wonderful examples of young adulthood we have around us. Don’t even think of coming back with but not all of them are like that because I know that. It doesn’t really matter that the percentage is small, it matters that it happens at all. Our kids should be allowed to be kids, they shouldn’t have to live in fear of being jumped by adults on the street for their pocket money.
What on earth has happened? How has it got to the stage where greed and selfishness has become so prevalent? I’m going to talk about that in more detail some other time because there is so much that can be said about that.
I’m finally starting to calm down. After a brief discussion with my husband and the thought of putting the question ‘where do these thugs live?’ out there, he said it was probably a good thing my gun club membership had expired. Now I don’t actually think guns are the answer. My suggestion would be more along the lines of - round up those who think beating up and picking on the young, the elderly, the weak and infirm is something to do, and put them in a room with me and a group of my mum and dad friends. Another not so Christian suggestion? Guess I still have a way to go. Some days it seems the work God and I do together on my life has so much further to go.
My frustration is in part due to the fact I feel so helpless. So unable to do anything that will change these sort of trends. Could I go out into that environment and patiently reach out to these lost, hurting, screwed up kids/adults? No I don’t have the patience, I just want to grab them and shake them till I knock some sense into them. I admire the people who can do that. And to be perfectly honest I don’t want to put my own kids closer to that kind of situation than necessary, so yeah I am a bit selfish too.
I know that I can reach out to those in my sphere of influence and do what I can for them. I do know some kids at risk of going down that sort of path, and I can make sure they don’t slip through the cracks. Of course I can’t help but wonder where the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles to these kids are! But then the whole solution never is that simple is it?

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